I’ve been writing posts for A Goofy Idea since July 2011. I have a lot of fun doing this and I love all the great Disney stuff I have learned. However, I have no idea if you love what I write. I have no idea if you even read these posts, or if you just delete it from your overflowing inbox.
I was talking to a relative and they told me that they would leave a comment, but they don’t want to sign up for anything. I explained that they weren’t signing up for anything; WordPress just wanted to know who was posting so they can make sure they’re not a bot.
This conversation made me realize that maybe other readers didn’t know how to leave me a comment either. I’d like to remedy this by listing four ways you can give me feedback. If you know how to do this already then feel free to skip to the Goofy Video at the end. But please, I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment and tell me what Disney tips help you find happiness squared.
Four ways to leave me a comment regarding A Goofy Idea:
1) Post it on my Facebook page. I have a page for A Goofy Idea. You can like it and leave me a message. Perhaps you can ask a question and all of my readers can contribute their ideas. To reach my Facebook page just click on the button at the very bottom of this post.
2) Send me an email. If you want to send me something private, or if you just prefer email than you can reach me by clicking on the envelope button at the bottom of this post. I’ll gladly respond to anything you write, be it question or comment.
3) Leave a comment on the post. This may not be obvious to everyone. You can not leave a message on the post that comes to your email or on the main page of A Goofy Idea. You have to click on the post title and scroll to the bottom. You’ll see a place to “Leave a reply.” It will ask for your name and email, but that is just to ensure you are human. You are not joining anything. This is a great way to respond to a specific post.
4) Leave a comment on the blog. Under the picture of Goofy on my website is a tab that says Contact Me. You can click there to leave me a message. If you want to go there directly than click here.
With all these different ways to reach me I hope I will hear from you soon. I want to make this blog as useful to you as possible, so let me know how I can improve it. Plus, I’d love for you to add to the conversation with a Goofy Tip, Goofy Joke, or a guest post. And always, feel free to just say hi. Happiness squared.
Goofy Video: My good friend, Christina, who wrote the first guest post for A Goofy Idea just left this on my Facebook timeline. It is a fun YouTube video of Mardi Gras Goofy. How appropriate for this blog! This is just the type of fun stuff I’d love to get from everyone. In fact I’d love to have a whole page of anything Goofy, from drawings, to videos, to stories. Let’s get goofy!