They say that all work and no play makes a person dull. Well, all play and no work isn’t much of an improvement either. A good balance can make the work satisfying and the play more enjoyable. And sometimes the work makes the play possible.
The Disney parks are a fun place to play, but they didn’t spring up overnight. A lot of work went in to making them the magical place that they are. Walt Disney liked to work and he liked to have fun in his work. Since today is a work day for most of us I want to share some great quotes that might have you whistling while you work. Or at least looking forward to the play time. Happiness squared.
“Get a good idea, and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done, and done right.” Walt Disney.
“People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.” Walt Disney
“I suppose my formula might be: dream, diversify – and never miss an angle.” Walt Disney
Goofy Movie: There are lots of Disney movies that deal with work. From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Cinderella
Disney princesses have had to work for their happiness. However, the princess who worked the hardest was Tiana from Princess & The Frog
. If you have not seen this fantastic movie make sure that you do. It is a wonderful story with a great lesson about the problems of all work and no play and all play and no work. Plus it has a wonderful non-traditional Disney princess ending that I adored.