![Hakuna Matata!](http://agoofyidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/meerkat.jpg)
Did you start humming to yourself when you read the title of this post? I am humming right now. I hope it doesn’t get stuck in my head. It is a silly song, but I like the message.
There are lots of things to worry about in the world today. I am not going to list them because you hear about them every day. But what about happiness? How often do people talk about being happy? This weekend I would like you to stop worrying and be happy. Just for two days (okay three, if you want to start on Friday.) Do things that make you happy, but more importantly, do things that make you focus on something other than your worries. The worries will be there Monday morning if you go looking for them. Or you could just be like Timon and Pumbaa from the Lion King and Hakuna Matata (great, now I have that song in my head.)
Need some help having a worry-free weekend? Here are five ideas to get you started.
Five ways to have a worry-free weekend (without breaking the bank):
1) Visit a friend. Social media and email helps us keep in touch, but when you need to escape visiting a friend face to face is much better. Bring over a dish for lunch, bake brownies together, or share a hobby. Nothing makes me happier than spending time with my friends.
2) Read a book. This can be any book you want, but it should be a want-to book, not a should book. I have a lot of books that I need to read to improve some aspect of my career. The pile is so large that I worry I’ll never get through them all. This weekend read a book that makes you happy. Declare time for guilt-free reading. I like to read non-fiction narrative books about black holes, or dark matter. Am I crazy? No. I know I am never going to be an astrophysicist so reading these books makes me happy, and I don’t have to worry if I don’t remember everything I read.
3) Go for a walk. You can walk by yourself or with others. Try to walk somewhere you haven’t been before so you can focus on the new surroundings and not the worrisome chatter in your head.
4) Watch a movie. You can go see the latest blockbuster or rent a movie to watch at home. If you want a worry-free option than visit the library and check out a movie for free. You can pick an old-favorite or something new-to-you. Pop some popcorn, turn down the lights and lose yourself in the story. Can I recommend Tangled, or the new Winnie-the-Pooh?
5) Create something. This one can be tricky. You may have lots of should-do crafts on your never-ending list that you worry you will never finish. Don’t work on those this weekend. Do something that makes you happy. I like to color, but I don’t do it often. This weekend I will pull out my crayons and a coloring book and have fun. Perhaps you can try a new recipe, or make a card for someone. Try to pick something that can be completed in a day so it doesn’t end up on your list come Monday. As long as it makes you happy the sky is the limit.
Bonus idea) Daydream. In our worry-filled lives we often feel guilty if we daydream. But it is by daydreaming that we come up with our most fun ideas. So take time to daydream. Write down your thoughts if you want. Don’t worry about all the reasons you can’t do what you are dreaming about. Just imagine that everything is possible.
I hope you have a very happy weekend. If your daydreaming should have you imagining a trip to the Disney Parks add fire to your dreams by wandering around at A Goofy Idea. You’ll find a bit of happiness in every post. Happiness squared.
Goofy Quote: (I like this quote. It encourages all of use to allow less worry into our lives.)
“Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better. I worry about many things, but not about water over the dam.” Walt Disney