When I was a kid school got out right around June 20. I thought everyone got out at the same time. But that wasn’t true at all. I know several kids who are out of school already and those kids who had a dozen snow days will be in school until November.
Along with school getting out there are graduation ceremonies. My niece just graduated from church preschool and my best friend’s son just graduated from the eighth grade (Congratulations, Josef!) I bet you also know kids who are graduating this May and June. Why not surprise them with some cute Disney graduation gifts? Spoonful.com has some fun ideas.
First off there is a cool card. Cards nowadays are so expensive and they rarely say what you want to say. This fun Disney card will bring smiles to everyone. Add some cool grad stickers to the envelope (ignore the 2012 one). There are also fun gift boxes, perfect for a gift card and some candy. Trust me. Kids want money and food, just like the rest of us.
Disney printables may seem cute yet disposable, but that is part of their charm. Most packaging and cards are forgotten thirty seconds after they are appreciated. Why spend big bucks on the outside when you can print up a cute gift that will make the recipient smile? That should be the true meaning behind any gift. Happiness squared.
Goofy Tip: If your grad is a huge Disney fan why not put a coupon for a trip to the Disney park in these cute boxes. They’ll never guess that something so special could come in such a small box.