For most of us the way to record memories is with a camera. Even if you are not the one taking pictures someone in you group probably is and thanks to digital technology you can easily get those memories. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes the words can be just as valuable. So along with taking pictures try writing down some of the memories you want to keep.
I find this works especially well with food. We eat three meals every day and after a while they blend together. At the Disney Parks it is fun to make a reservation for a fancy restaurant. If you are going to pay more for a special meal then it should be remembered. Photos are one way to do that and journaling is another. The food presentation at restaurants like the Hollywood Brown Derby at Disney’s Hollywood Studio is an art and worthy of a picture. But do you want to vaguely remember that you had pork for dinner or that you enjoyed Roasted Sterling Silver Pork Rib Chop topped with smoked Gouda and apricot preserves, served over Napa Cabbage, bacon and potato hash with apple cider Jus? Now that’s a memory that no picture can describe!

There are several ways to journal as you are visiting the parks. I carry a small notebook, and when there is downtime, like waiting for a meal to arrive or when riding on the train or monorail, I jot down my thoughts. Whenever I can pick up a menu or brochure that has the information I need I do that, too. I make sure to mark the important facts so I don’t wonder later on why I have it.
One of my favorite things to do is to bring small pieces of colored paper, maybe 2 inches by 3 inches. I hand these to the people in my group and have them jot down something they want to remember. There will be those people who will not want to do this. I show them how small the paper is and explain that I don’t want a novel. One sentence is enough. Make sure everyone signs their journal box so you know who wrote what. Try not to write it for them. The variety of handwriting styles is as much a memory as a photo. At the end of the trip these make a great addition to a photo album. Or you can put them in a glass jar and occasionally pull one out. The simple words will bring back a memory as vivid as any picture.
Goofy Tip: Another time when I take lots of notes is on tours. Tours are great fun, but you are never going to remember most of what you hear. When I took Disney’s Magic Behind Our Steam Trains Tour our guide talked about wheel ratios and how the engine works. It was fascinating information, and since I took notes of what he said it means much more to me. Other people might wonder what you are doing (my family is used to my scribbling). Just tell them you are recording a memory. Anyone with a camera will understand.