Due to my friend’s wedding I am not running the Avengers Half Marathon. As a trade off I am going to run some virtual races through a different company. I am looking forward to trying these out. But in 2015 I’ll be doing lots of Disney races so I’ve started to save my pennies.
Jamie left a comment on my post about signing up for the Avengers Half Marathon. Thanks, Jamie!!! She asked how much it cost to run the races. That is a great question. The reason I have never mentioned the price is because it changes all the time. So just remember, the prices I list today may be different at the next race. I’m going to discuss half marathon pricing on this post since that is usually what I sign up for. 5K and 10K races are less expensive and can be a great option if you are looking to save money. Disney gives out great medals for every race.
I copied this directly from the runDisney website. Pasta in the Park Party is the pre-race carbo-loading event. I’ve never been to it and don’t believe in carbo-loading anyway. The ChEAR Squad is for spectators. You get different treatment depending on what level you choose.
Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon
- $195 by April 29, 2014
- $210 between April 30 and June 24, 2014
- $225 on or after June 25, 2014
Avengers Super Heroes 5K
- $70 by August 20, 2014
- $80 on or after August 21, 2014
runDisney Kids Races
- $20 by August 20, 2014
- $25 on or after August 21, 2014
Pasta In The Park Party
- Adult with ticket – $135
- Adult without ticket – $89
- Youth with ticket – $115
- Youth without ticket – $69
- Under 3 – $0
ChEAR Squad
- Bronze – $0
- Silver – $39
- Gold – $59
- Platinum – $99
- Under 3 – $0
All the races at the Avengers Half Marathon Weekend filled up on the first day of registration. I understand that you can still sign up if you join one of the charities that raise money with the help of runners. But everyone who registered in time paid $195 for the half marathon.
There are other costs when you sign up like fees and optional pins to buy. I do buy the pin because it is fun to fill my hat with race pins so my total cost is usually around $230.
Is this expensive? It is on the high end for the cost of a half marathon; most half marathons are around $100. Below I have listed a few races just to give you a range. These prices do not include any fees since they vary from company to company.
- Yellowstone Half Marathon $85-$120
- Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon $125-$195
- Eugene OR Half Marathon $80
So a Disney half marathon may be the most expensive race you’ll ever run. Is it worth it? I think so. You run through the parks and get to see backstage. The entertainment is great and there are lots of photo opportunities with characters. The courses are flat so it is a good beginners course. Mickey and Minnie cheer when you cross the finish line and the medals are awesome. Plus when you are done you can visit the parks. Make sure you wear your medal so the Cast Members can congratulate you. I’d gladly join you if you want to run a Disney race. Happiness squared.
Goofy Tip: I only discussed the cost of the race registration. Unless you live near the parks you will probably have to include gas or airfare, hotel, park tickets, and food. Sign up for the race before you purchase your hotel room and park tickets. You’ll get an email that includes discounts for those items. The nice part is the discount works for everyone in your party not just the runners. It can be a huge savings.